Relax during cold nights with the TURBRO Suburbs TS20 electric heater

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Looking for a high-performance electric heater to avoid freezing during the winter?

When winter comes, even the best fireplaces are not enough to dampen the intense cold. I know, snow can look great and you’re right, but come on, no one likes to sleep thinking it can freeze at any time.  I even think Santa Claus takes a big breather every time he leaves gifts in our homes. Some places in Alaska have recorded temperatures as low as -66 degrees Fahrenheit, and while Alaska is one of the coldest places in America it’s a clear sign that winter can be a bit cruel. As I had mentioned, most people prepare fireplaces to try to reduce the cold inside the home, but it may not be enough, so using an additional electric heater will surely make you feel much more comfortable.

Electric heaters work like a fireplace, but you don’t need wood and they don’t produce smoke either, so they’re easier to use compared to a fireplace. All you need is a stable power connection to use your electric heater smoothly. Before buying one, you must make sure that it has the necessary certifications, in this way it avoids electrical accidents. The best thing about electric heaters is that they are usually available at affordable prices, so you don’t need to spend too much to get a good quality o. With just over 100 dollars you will surely find a product of very good quality, so it will end up being a great purchase for your home.

One of the best options in terms of value for money is the TURBRO Suburbs TS20 electric heater. It is a high-performance heater with a power of 1400W, so it will generate enough heat to keep you relaxed during cold nights. This is something that cannot be missing in your home. Next, discover the most interesting features of this product.

Features of the TURBRO Suburbs TS20 electric heater


As you know, to combat the cold you will need something that can produce heat for several hours. The TURBRO Suburbs TS20 does its job thanks to the power of 1400W (4,777 BTU), so it is able to offer a pleasant warm environment even during the lowest winter temperatures. Keep in mind that this cannot replace a larger capacity fireplace, but it can be of great help as a reinforcement.

Easy to use

To avoid confusion, this electric heater features an adjustable switch. You can choose the temperature you want depending on how cold it is inside your house. The temperature can be adjusted between 68 and 95 °F. You should also know that it can be used without problems in a standard 110-120V outlet.

Safe to use

For added peace of mind, you should know that this electric heater is CSA certified, which ensures that it is completely safe to use inside homes. The TURBRO Suburbs TS20 has advanced security systems, so in case of detecting an overheating, it will be paid automatically, in this way you will stay safe inside the house. Another feature is that even though it provides a lot of heat, you’ll be surprised to learn that you can touch the electric heater without fear of getting burned, which is useful if you have curious kids in your house.

You can buy this item here: TURBRO Suburbs TS20 Electric Fireplace Infrared Heater, 20″ Freestanding Fireplace Stove with Realistic Dancing Flame Effect – CSA Certified – Overheating Safety Protection – Easy to Assemble – 1400W : Home & Kitchen